Why Is the Health of Your Gums so Important?

September 24, 2022

Closeup of woman pointing to her gums

When it comes to brushing, flossing, and oral hygiene in general, the attention is often focused on one thing: your teeth. Actually, your gums are equally as important. Healthy gums keep your teeth in place and act as a shock absorber to protect the roots. On the other hand, if they are compromised due to a condition like gum disease, the harmful bacteria can wreak havoc on your oral and general health. Read on to learn more about gum health, how to take care of your gums, and how your dentist in Jonesboro can help!

Gums and Your Overall Health

At first glance, your gums may not seem like they play an important role in your overall well-being. However, decades of research show just the opposite. Not only can conditions like gum disease lead to bad breath, but it also has been linked to heart disease, strokes, and lung disease.

That is because the harmful bacteria associated with poor oral hygiene can easily gain access to your vital organs via your bloodstream. Fortunately, you can prevent this from happening by prioritizing the care of your gums!

How to Take Care of Your Gums

Since oral care is often centered around teeth, you may have one important question on your mind: How do I take care of my gums? Fortunately, that task is relatively easy thanks to the following best practices:

  • Brush your teeth for two minutes twice a day and gently scrub along the gumline
  • Floss daily
  • Replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months
  • Clean your tongue when you brush your teeth
  • Rinse with mouthwash regularly
  • Eat a balanced diet
  • Quit poor dental habits like smoking and using your teeth as tools

How Your Dentist Can Help

When it comes to gum health, your dentist is your greatest ally. Not only can they conduct a thorough checkup every six months to catch gum disease in the early stages, but they can provide your teeth and gums with an extensive cleaning to prevent an infection from developing in the first place. Plus, if they do find any signs of gingivitis like inflamed or bleeding gums, your dentist can administer treatment before it has a chance to cause further damage.

Your gums play an important role in your oral and overall health, so make sure to take care of them! And, if you do begin to experience symptoms of gum disease, contact your dentist in Jonesboro for an appointment right away.

About the Author

Dr. Shane Smith earned his dental doctorate from the University of Tennessee. Since then, he’s continued to expand his knowledge in the field with hundreds of hours of continuing education. A positive experience where his dentist helped him as a teenager made it clear to Dr. Smith what his career path would become. If you ever need help getting your gums back on the right track, he offers gum disease treatment, and dental insurance is maximized. Schedule an appointment on his website or call (870) 932-2644.